

Interview @ In Dark Purity Zine
April 28, 2011

IDP: Hi Jamie, How are you? Thank you for doing this interview for In Dark Purity.
Hello Alex! Been doing really good man! Thanks for asking, feels good to partake in your 'zine! In Dark Purity rules!

Please give us the history of Splatter Clothing.
I was running a DIY gore/grind/noise label called Bituka Records back then and I was also mutilating logos and stuff called Splatter Project. Before that I was involved in some noise/gore/grind band/projects and fanzine. I did my first death metal / gore grind fanzine in 2006 called Guttural Sickness Zine and did four issues with it. I do vocals and stuff for Phlegm Thrower and Herpes, released some splits and compilations blah, blah, blah. I've been around in the underground scene doing something. I guess.

I‘ve always been into art ever since I was a kid. When I was in college, I read a lot about graphic design and silkscreen printing. During that time, I couldn't afford to purchase official band merchandise so I printed shirts for myself. From there, I started getting those cheap DIY kits from an art supply store in Recto. I used green films/acetates and cutters for screens. Things didn't start to get serious though until mid 2008 after I met Eric Pielago from Lucena City. 

He taught me everything he knows about photographic t-shirt printing. Then I started burning my own screens at home figuring out how it all worked. Afterwards, I printed a number of commercial stuff; it‘s basically a way to make a bit of cash on the side. I don‘t necessarily enjoy printing commercial stuff, but sometimes I need to. I wanted to launch a more focused clothing line putting out horror-influenced stuff in view of the fact that I really dig horror movies growing up.

I formally started Splatter Clothing around February 2009. At that time I met Alvin Esperanza of Insane Bazooka. He asked me to print some shirts for the band Pukelization, he provided some stuff I needed for t-shirt printing. The rest, as they say, is history.

The high proportion of my print work this year will cater more on the local horror cult movies to get out there. Basically, Splatter Clothing will be me doing whatever I can to keep me from getting a decent 8 to 5. Ha! Splatter Clothing is your local place to get horror, cult, exploitation, and just extensive fucked up shirts! I make stuff you wouldn't wear to go visit your grandma!

I saw the photos and the video from the opening of Splatterhouse and it looks like a killer time. Tell us more about it.
It was a total chaos! Everybody went apeshit during the Pus Vomit and Anal Fissure set. Everyone was drunk and stoned as usual. The show was just incredible, way further than what I expected. I would like to thank the bands and the lazy-ass people who showed up and supported us at Splatterhouse. For those who didn‘t make it to the soft opening, calm the fuck down. I'm working my balls off to make sure that a grand opening is underway.

I assume that you print the t-shirts on an order basis. How long does it take you to print and process an order?
Preparation and printing usually takes 2-5 days after the payment is received. Clients may get their hands on the item/s sooner or later depending on the queue or how many jobs are ahead of them. As for the band merchandise, the whole process may take two weeks depending on how much planning has gone into the design.

What are your payment and shipping methods?
Acceptable payment methods are via Western Union, LBC or JRS Express. I can ship the item/s anywhere in the Philippines. Shipping may take 2 to 3 business days. Packages are sent via LBC or JRS Express or you can pay for /buy the item/s directly at the Splatterhouse.

Do you have a design that you will not personally wear? There are t-shirts that I can no longer wear when I'm out with my wife. Most of them are my Lividity t-shirts. Ha!
I‘ve shown my asshole in public many times. So I guess I can wear anything from my designs. Ha!

Who are the bands that you have worked with? Tell us about the design you made for each band.
I've gotten to know a handful of talented individuals from an array of great underground bands like Pus Vomit, Anal Fissure, Human Mastication, Religious Nightmare and Pukelization just to name a few. I feel honored just having to work with them. Although, I like just about every shirt I make, I can never bring myself to love them. I always tell myself that I can still improve and I try to do just that. I feel like I still have a long way to go to reach the point where I can safely say that my work deserves respect.

I love the local horror designs particularly the "Patayin Mo Sa Sindak Si Barbara", "Shake, Rattle, & Roll" and "Zuma." I will definitely order these designs next time I'm home.
As I‘ve mentioned earlier, high quantity of my print work this year will focus more on the local horror cult classic movies. So better watch out for that!

I think the local horror films after the 80's are total shit. I'll write to Uncle Creepy about this! Ha!

We need more extreme fiction! More blood guts and gore! I bet you know what I mean. We're still trapped in the mainstream literature type of approach which really sucks. Film makers are too anxious in making our local horror easy to understand, easy to stomach. Unless we're willing to "sniff the guts" so to speak, we won't achieve real horror.

If you were to make a horror film. What would it be about?
Tough question, bro! Honestly I would love to make a documentary rather than a movie. Perhaps it will be about confronting taboos, coming face to face with the unarticulated, the places we simply do not want to tread. Stuff like that. A snuff film would be perfect as well.

Who is the Splatterhouse tattoo artist? I have always wanted to have Immolation's "Here In After" artwork tattooed on my back, but my wife and my family doesn't approve of it.

Kleif Dofredo. He is from Davao City. As far as I know, he's been doing skin art for more than ten years now. A rapist for twenty! Ha! Kleiftomaniak specializes on black and gray tattoo and his dark images are really worthy of note.

He also plays in a brutal death metal band, Internal Torture. My parents were never in favor of me get inked as well. They said that once you got your hands tattooed, it will be even more troublesome to find a job. In the long run, they got used to it. Haha!

The "Whore Of The Month." Did you use Quiapo love potions to make them pose for you? Ha! Please e-mail the behind the scenes photos to me. Now!
You have to keep in mind though that about 69% of Splatter Whores never modeled before so they‘re absolutely doing an amazing job. You haven‘t seen anything yet, bro! I will send you the ―fuck from behind scenes‖ as soon as pussyble! Ha! They have, in point of fact, become an essential part of Splatter Clothing in matters of promotion and advertisement. Splatter Clothing‘s ―Whore of the Month‖ is just a sequel of the mighty IDP‘s ―I Am A Whore‖ I guess. Hehehe! I make use of love potions, Tantaritas style!

Is the studio for rehearsal only or do you also have equipment for recording?
We don‘t have any equipment for recording at the moment so the studio is for rehearsal only.

 You must be busy nowadays with Splatter Clothing. Do you still have time for your bands and your zine?
At the moment, I'm working on Splatter Clothing, full time. For my bands, I don‘t want to look too far up ahead. I just take things as they come. Phlegm Thrower MCD was already planned at the end of 2010 but never saw the light for shitty reasons not worth mentioning. As for Guttural Sickness, I am working on some album and demo reviews, some movie reviews, and some interviews. Hopefully #5 will be out early next year! Watch out for the divisive ―Palaboc Chronicles: See You In 5 Years!‖ Ha!

I think my brother is one of your regular customers. Ha! 
He's obsessed with "A Clockwork Orange."
As far as I remember, Andree already bought three designs of A Clockwork Orange. Hehehe. Kubrick is a genius! I love "The Shining" as well.

How do you think technology has changed music?
Unquestionably, technology has a rather profound effect on music both positively and otherwise. For musicians, it brought a positive factor when it comes to recording. Modern equipment make recording easier and accessible for just about anyone. In addition, technology paved way for musicians to scrutinize their performances up close and with much technicality. Software‘s like Sonar, Adobe Audition, etc… greatly helped on improving the timing and intonation etc…

In my opinion, there‘s no excuse for bands today to release a crappy material like how Septic Sewer did when they released a record that sounds as if they‘re in the eighties. Technology is there waiting to be utilized and abused, so why not use it? As for the negative aspect, I think the rise of digital formats, iPods, shitty net labels and pirated MP3 sites offering full album availability for download is repulsive and just plain wrong. If you like a band, support them by buying the fruits of their blood, shit and tears. Downloading their music from the internet will not help anybody but yourself. Buy or die!

Is the physical format of the music important to you?
Fuck yes! Personally, I prefer the physical copy over a download/mp3. As I have said earlier, if you really like a band, downloading their music from the internet will not help anybody but yourself. Physical formats should be more sought after than buying everything digital. I mean, 15 years from now when my kids want to be able to listen or go through what I grew up listening to, I would rather have them going through my CD‘s and tapes and not scrolling thru iPod or whatever shit it is that will be "in" years from now. I must admit though, that most of my ear-battering these days are through my computer or mp3 player. My tape player died on me decades ago. Sorry Vro. Ha!

Horns up!
Thank you for your interest in what I have to say and for all the support you've always shown, bro. Thanks for getting what underground is about and what it means. It's difficult to find people like you nowadays. Keep up the great work with In Dark Purity ‗Zine and Berdugo Records. To anyone reading this, check out my website for news and updates. Keep it fucking sick!

Splatterhouse: #8 AB Bernardo Commercial Building Cirmont Street, Justinville, Bacoor, Cavite Philippines 4102

40 Pages Of Sickness!

ANAL FISSURE (Philippines)
BRAINDRAINED (Philippines)
DISASTROUS (Philippines)
HEAVING EARTH (Czech Republic)
MASS HYPNOSIA (Philippines)
PUS VOMIT (Philippines)
